In May 2007 we organized a big conference in Athens with the name “Social Entrepreneurship ’07 – Values and Practices of Responsible Entrepreneurship”, with the aid of CSR Europe, the Association of Greek Industry and the Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Athens.

The goal of the conference was the familiarization of Greek businesses, especially small-medium ones (SMEs), with the concept of CSR, through presentations about latest developments regarding the latter and the mounting priorities associated with sustainable development. The audience which we addressed consisted of executives from large and small businesses, executives and representatives of entrepreneurial organizations, owners of SMEs, academics, associations of new entrepreneurs, public administration and public organization executives, students, as well as NGO representatives.


The 400 participants attended 22 speeches, by executives from European and Greek businesses and organizations, academics and experts, with broad knowledge regarding the international and local dimensions of CSR. The speakers had the opportunity to demonstrate, in a vivid manner, the relationship between CSR and sustainable development and the former’s significance for businesses, and particularly SMEs.

In the framework of the conference, we organized four workshops focusing on issues that are related to CSR in conjunction with

  1. Education
  2. Gender equality
  3. The environment
  4. SMEs

In these workshops, participants had the chance to listen to experts and to take an active part in the discussion that followed.


What made the event original was its exhibition-like nature, since there was a special, designated space for our corporate members, SMEs and members of the Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Athens to present specific actions that they were implementing at the time in the framework of social responsibility, and specifically in the thematic fields of Human Resources, Market, Environment and Society.

The exhibition was designed like a market, where visitors were given the chance to see and hear about practices that were being undertaken and eventually be able to “copy” some of those that matched their business environment best.

A meal followed after the exhibition, during which the Minster of National Economy and Economics at the time delivered a brief salute. The event was brought to a close by the Mayor of Athens, whom was given a small olive tree by the President of the CSR HELLAS network, as a symbolic gesture of the donation that we made towards the Council, of all the plants that decorated the exhibition.


The catalogue of the exhibition of best practices that took place in the framework of the Conference “Social Business ’07 – Values and Practices of Responsible Entrepreneurship” offers a brief presentation of the wealth and breadth of practices that were displayed during the conference.

You can look through it here.

Members participated in the initiative