In 2009, we at CSR HELLAS cooperated with the Athens University of Economics and Business for the organization of a conference in Athens, focusing on the importance of diversity and equal opportunities for the development and competitiveness of businesses in the modern, multi-cultural and globalized environment, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, special abilities sexual orientation and other traits.

European and Greek speakers presented an array of developments, initiatives and best practices regarding diverse employment on a European and national level to the over 120 participants of the conference. Additionally, the “tools” that have been developed in Greece and Europe for the self-assessment of businesses regarding relevant policies and practices were presented and analyzed.

The conference was brought to a close with the composition and adoption of the “Declaration for Diversity”.

Below, you can access the detailed program of the conference as well the “Declaration for Diversity” in Greek and English.

Members participated in the initiative