Climate action, quality education, reduced inequalities, responsible consumption and production: these are just part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015 by all United Nations (UN) countries and now global commitments under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These 17 Goals (Picture 1), in conjunction with the 169 sub-goals, are equally important, but also interrelated, requiring an integrated approach to their achievement that integrates all three dimensions of sustainable development – social, environmental and economic – into all sectoral policies.
It is clear that accelerated joint efforts are needed to achieve the 2030 goals, and the “Nikos Analytis” Student Contest for CSR, which is being held for the 8th time this year, aims to highlight innovative proposals from the student community in this direction.
The focus of this year’s competition will be SDG#17 (Partnership for the Goals), which is a prerequisite for achieving all other goals by 2030, as it involves the partnership (consultation and cooperation) of all stakeholders at global, regional, national and local levels.
Each team is challenged to respond to the questions while focusing only on 1 of the following 4 material issues*:
- Employment/Working conditions
- Poverty/Human Rights
- Climate Change
- Production/Consumption
👉How do businesses affect and/or are affected by this issue?
👉Suggest one or more implementable proposals for businesses to contribute to preventing and/or addressing the material issue.
👉How can businesses work with each other and with other stakeholders for the most effective outcome?
🏆 The prizes of this year’s competition are:
- An educational trip to Brussels & a visit to the European Parliament
- Laptops
- Paid internship of at least one month in a CSR HELLAS member company
The contest is addressed to groups of higher education students, consisting of 3 or 4 members, from undergraduate and postgraduate programmes from all Greek universities. The basic requirement for participation is that the students must be in their second year of studies or above.Each team will submit its responses electronically and anonymously, while their effort will be evaluated by both academia and business community representatives with expertise in the field. The winning teams, announced in March 2024.
– Please note that the application form must be completed separately by each of the members of each team in order to be valid.
*An issue is material if it could substantively affect the organization’s ability to create value in the short, medium and long term.Companies use the concept of materiality to guide their sustainability strategic planning processes. A material sustainability issue is an economic, environmental, or social issue on which a company has an impact, or may be impacted by. It may also be one that significantly influences the assessments and decisions of stakeholders.
Picture 1 - 17 Sustainable Development Goals (source: UN)
Greece recognises the important contribution of the SDGs in promoting, inter alia, social well-being, economic recovery and equitable and inclusive development. However, according to the monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in the European Union (EU) published by Eurostat, Greece lags significantly behind the rest of the EU countries.