In 2020, we at CSR HELLAS organized the 5th cycle of the Student Competition for CSR “Nikos Analitis”, continuing our initiative, to connect the corporate community to the academic one, but also to the students themselves. The topic of the competition this year was the problem of inequality that is recorded between men and women in the workplace.
The choice of subject was based on the 5th of the 15 Sustainable Development Goals, which were established by the United Nations and present a global commitment on the part of member states for the confrontation of modern challenges.
The specific 5th goal focuses on the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
According to 2019 data, our country held the last place among the 28 member states of the European Union in terms of Gender Equality while any progress that had been made in the last 15 years was below the average on a European level
To a large extent, our country’s poor performance is due to powerful social stereotypes as well as inequalities that pervade the job sector, such as low participation of women in Boards of Directors and in positions of authority in businesses, the gender pay gap and the inadequate foundations for the harmonization between one’s work and family life.
Our goal through the competition was to increase awareness and enhance concerns in youths concerning gender equality, through a process of cooperation, research, study, opinion exchange, and finally the presentation of the different points of views held by young people on this topic.
The subject of the competition was the following:
The eradication of inequality between men and women, which is still recorded in the workplace, still remains an objective for our country.
• To what do you think this inequality is owed?
• What is or should be the role of businesses in confronting the issue?
• Which other stakeholders could contribute and how?
• How could success stories from abroad become exemplars to learn from?
• What do you believe should happen in Greece and how?
Below you may find the information that we made available (in Greek) to interested students for their guidance during the essay writing process.