Institutional Representation

During our network’s 20 years of operation, we have been recognized for authentically expressing the views of the business community on matters of Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Entrepreneurship. As a result, we maintain and support relationships of communication and cooperation with institutions of the state, taking on initiatives of participation and conversational meetings, with the aim of formulating policies and taking the necessary measures and decisions, which may affect and be affected by our members and responsible entrepreneurship more broadly.

The signing of a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Labour in 2010, our leading role in the initiative for the development of a National Strategy for CSR by the General Secretariat of Commerce of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development in 2014, and our cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2016, are indicative examples of the recognition received by CSR HELLAS from the state as a responsible, institutional representative and interlocutor on matters of CSR and Responsible Entrepreneurship in our country.

Contact us regarding your potential involvement in initiatives of institutional representation at