On February 11 2021, CSR HELLAS organized a specialized Webinar for its members with the aim of informing them about the most recent developments within the European institutional framework on issues of business responsibility and sustainability. Specifically, the webinar focused on:
- Developments relating to the revisions of the Sustainable Corporate Governance framework and the Non-Financial Reporting EU Directive
- The European Commission’s intention to establish a regulatory framework of Due Diligence for Supply Chain Management, expanding the scope of the European Classification of Corporate Sustainability Activities (EU Taxonomy), and
- The expansion of the scope of the European classification system (EU taxonomy) for sustainable activities
- Preparatory consultations of working groups on a European level that are developing a common European accountability framework for non-financial disclosures.
Given that the crucial role that was anticipated for the European Parliament, the Webinar hosted two Greek MEPs, who shared with participants the views and positions of European parties on the aforementioned issues, which were expected to have a substantial impact on entrepreneurship at both European and international level.
Moreover, representatives of European organizations such as CSR Europe – the leading European Network for Corporate Social Responsibility – and Accountancy Europe presented the relevant work they were conducting at the time not only to improve the level of maturity of companies in terms of integrating CSR into their strategy and operations, but also relating to the field of accountants and auditors regarding their smooth adaptation to the new accountability and monitoring requirements, respectively. From their side, representatives of the Greek State commented on the extent to which the forthcoming regulatory changes would affect entrepreneurship in the direction of enhancing resilience and sustainability.
The webinar was brought to a close with Ms. M. Alexiou, Chair of CSR HELLAS, informing participants about the discussions and the results of the working groups set up in EFRAG – European Financial Advisory Group – regarding the development of a European framework for business-related disclosures and accountability.
The Webinar took place in English via the ZOOM platform and was addressed to executives of CSR and sustainability management, financial and accounting management and generally senior executives responsible for issues linked to corporate responsibility and sustainability management.