CSR Europe

CSR Europe

CSR Europe is the leading European business network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility.

With its corporate members, National Partner Organisations (NPOs), and Associated Partners, CSR Europe unite, inspire & support over 10,000 enterprises at local, European and global level.  

In CSR words, ass mentioned in its website

“We support businesses & industry sectors in their transformation and collaboration towards practical solutions and sustainable growth. We are for systemic change. Following the SDGs, we want to co-build with the European leaders and stakeholders an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe 2030”.

CSR Europe is an international not-for-profit organisation under Belgian law (AISBL), with a 15-member Board of Directors (BoD), among which 12 are representing corporate members and 3 are representing NPOs. The Board of Directors determine the organisation’s strategic direction. It also appoints an Executive Director who is entrusted with the daily management of the organisation and the execution of Board decisions.

Maria Alexiou, Chair of the Board of CSR HELLAS and CSR Director of TITAN Group, in her capacity of representative of TITAN Group, is among the 12 members of CSR Europe’s BoD, representing corporate members.

Since May 2019, CSR HELLAS with Mr. Alexandros Kostopoulos, Head of Development and New Projects, holds one of the three seats for the NPOs in the Board of Directors of CSR Europe.

Visit the CSR Europe website and stay up to date on CSR developments at European level.