CSR HELLAS and its corporate member AFEA Travel & Congress Services received the 2021 IAPCO Driving Excellence Collaboration Award on 29 November 2021 in the context of the IBTM Leaders’ Summit and IBTM World which took place in Barcelona in the days to follow (30 November-2 December 2021). The trophy celebrates partnerships that bring excellence to the meetings industry.
CSR HELLAS was represented by Ariadne Stagkou-Bell, CSR & Communication Specialist, while AFEA was represented by Sissi Lygnou, CEO.
Ariadne Stagkou-Bell stated that “Sustainability is the only future for everyone, and recognizing the value of partnering up with diverse stakeholders provides us with the know-how and skillset to transform this challenge into a fruitful opportunity.”
Sissi Lygnou stated that “We are extremely happy and proud as this award gives us the opportunity to highlight the importance of a valued, long-term collaboration with the network of CSR Hellas, as well as to empower our efforts in creating a greater awareness on the key role of sustainable development in our Industry. As active IAPCO Members, we invest in partnerships which contribute to the shaping of a more sustainable future in the Meetings Industry.”